Not so magic schmagic
Hi everybody! This is my very first blog- and I'm excited! I don't know how many of you have read my series, but I'm working on it. It's going to take a while for me to get Part 4 out- It's over 70 pages! I know my stories are way to long. I'm sorry. It's just, I like getting it all out, and over with. I haven't had that much patience recently, so I won't be hunkering down and writing it all out anytime soon. I've been going about 2 to 5 slides a day, so It's going to take soemtimes. And, I won't be playing TS2 for a little while (or, at least till the end of lent) so after this part's out, don't expect another till easter.
Oh, and before I go, even though I do this constantly, I'd like to thank all of the people who read my stories, all the people who look at my screenshots, and now (yay!) all the people who read my blog!
Happy Thursday,
Artsysimaddict (Emily) <3
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